What is Surat Pengantar RT/RW?
Surat pengantar RT/RW is a letter of introduction issued by the neighborhood (RT) and community (RW) leaders in Indonesia. This letter is used for various purposes, such as applying for identity documents, moving to a new address, getting married, and so on. However, some of these purposes no longer require this letter, as the government has simplified the administrative procedures for the public.
download surat pengantar rt rw
In this article, we will explain to you what surat pengantar RT/RW is, why it is important, how to download, fill out, and use it, and what are some common mistakes to avoid when writing it. We will also provide you with some examples of surat pengantar RT/RW for different situations. We hope you will find this article helpful and informative.
Functions and Benefits of Surat Pengantar RT/RW
Surat pengantar RT/RW has several functions and benefits, such as:
It serves as a form of politeness and administrative order in the relationship between institutions.
It provides a proof that the bearer of the letter is trustworthy and authorized by the neighborhood and community leaders.
It explains the formal purpose and intention of the bearer of the letter to the institution that is addressed.
It fulfills the requirement to obtain other official documents or letters.
Format and Structure of Surat Pengantar RT/RW
The format and structure of surat pengantar RT/RW consists of:
Kop Surat pengantar RT/RW: This is the header of the letter, which contains the name and logo of the neighborhood and community, the address, and the contact information.
Nomor: This is the number of the letter, which follows a certain format and sequence.
Lampiran: This is the attachment of the letter, which indicates the number and type of documents that are enclosed with the letter.
Perihal: This is the subject of the letter, which summarizes the main purpose and intention of the letter.
Pembuka: This is the opening of the letter, which greets and addresses the recipient of the letter, usually with a formal salutation.
Isi: This is the content of the letter, which explains the details and information about the bearer of the letter, such as their name, identity number, address, occupation, marital status, etc. It also states the reason and objective of requesting or applying for something from the recipient institution.
Penutup: This is the closing of the letter, which expresses gratitude and hope for a positive response from the recipient institution. It also includes a signature and a stamp from the neighborhood and community leaders.
Why Surat Pengantar RT/RW is Important?
Surat pengantar RT/RW is important because it is still needed for some purposes, such as:
Applying for a national identity card (KTP) or a family card (KK).
Applying for a police certificate of good conduct (SKCK).
Applying for a marriage certificate or a divorce certificate.
Moving to a new address or changing one's domicile.
Registering for social security or health insurance programs.
Registering for education or employment opportunities.
Having surat pengantar RT/RW can also provide some advantages, such as:
It can prove one's identity and residence in case of emergency or dispute.
It can facilitate the process of obtaining other official documents or letters.
It can show one's respect and cooperation with the neighborhood and community leaders.
On the other hand, not having surat pengantar RT/RW when required can lead to some consequences, such as:
It can delay or prevent one from getting other official documents or letters.
It can cause difficulties or problems in accessing public services or facilities.
It can result in fines or penalties for violating administrative rules or regulations.
How to Download Surat Pengantar RT/RW?
To download surat pengantar RT/RW, one can use various sources and websites that offer free templates and samples of surat pengantar RT/RW. Some of these sources and websites are:
The official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs (
The official website of the National Population and Civil Registration Agency (
The official website of the National Police (
The official website of the neighborhood and community association (
The online platforms or forums that provide legal advice or assistance (such as etc.).
To download surat pengantar RT/RW online, one can follow these steps and instructions:
Visit one of the sources or websites that provide surat pengantar RT/RW templates or samples.
Select or search for the template or sample that suits one's purpose and situation.
Download or save the template or sample to one's device or computer.
Edit or modify the template or sample according to one's needs and preferences.
Print or copy the template or sample to a paper or a document format.
To choose and verify the authenticity of surat pengantar RT/RW templates, one can use these tips and precautions:
Make sure that the source or website is reliable and reputable.
Make sure that the template or sample is updated and compatible with the current regulations and standards.
Make sure that the template or sample is complete and accurate in terms of its format and structure.
Make sure that the template or sample is consistent and coherent in terms of its language and style.
Make sure that the template or sample is original and not plagiarized from other sources.
How to Fill Out Surat Pengantar RT/RW?
To fill out surat pengantar RT/RW, one needs to have some requirements and documents, such as:
A valid national identity card (KTP) or a family card (KK).
A proof of residence, such as a utility bill, a rental agreement, or a land certificate.
A proof of purpose, such as an application form, a letter of invitation, or a certificate of eligibility.
A passport-sized photo (if needed).
To fill out surat pengantar RT/RW correctly, one needs to follow these procedures and guidelines:
Fill in the header of the letter, including the name and logo of the neighborhood and community, the address, and the contact information.
Fill in the number of the letter, following the format and sequence given by the neighborhood and community leaders.
Fill in the attachment of the letter, indicating the number and type of documents that are enclosed with the letter.
Fill in the subject of the letter, summarizing the main purpose and intention of the letter.
Fill in the opening of the letter, greeting and addressing the recipient of the letter, usually with a formal salutation.
Fill in the content of the letter, explaining the details and information about the bearer of the letter, such as their name, identity number, address, occupation, marital status, etc. Also state the reason and objective of requesting or applying for something from the recipient institution.
Fill in the closing of the letter, expressing gratitude and hope for a positive response from the recipient institution. Also include a signature and a stamp from the neighborhood and community leaders.
To write clear and concise surat pengantar RT/RW, one can use these tips and suggestions:
Use simple and polite language that is easy to understand and respectful to the recipient.
Use formal and standard terms that are appropriate for official documents or letters.
Use correct and consistent spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
Use clear and logical transitions between paragraphs and sentences.
Use bullet points or numbers to organize and highlight important information.
How to Use Surat Pengantar RT/RW?
Surat pengantar RT/RW can be used for various purposes and occasions, such as:
Making KTPWhen one needs to apply for a new or renew an existing national identity card (KTP).
Making KKWhen one needs to apply for a new or update an existing family card (KK).
Making SKCKWhen one needs to apply for a police certificate of good conduct (SKCK) for employment or other purposes.
Making marriage certificateWhen one needs to register their marriage at the civil registry office (KUA) or other authorized institutions.
Making divorce certificateWhen one needs to register their divorce at the civil registry office (KUA) or other authorized institutions.
Moving to a new addressWhen one needs to notify their change of domicile to their previous and current neighborhood and community leaders.
Registering for social security or health insurance programsWhen one needs to enroll in social security or health insurance programs provided by the government or private sectors.
Registering for education or employment opportunitiesWhen one needs to apply for education or employment opportunities offered by public or private institutions.
To use surat pengantar RT/RW for different purposes, one needs to follow these procedures and regulations:
Obtain surat pengantar RT/RW from their neighborhood and community leaders by submitting their requirements and documents.
Verify surat pengantar RT/RW by checking its format, structure, content, signature, and stamp.
Copies surat pengantar RT/RW if needed by making photocopies or scans of it.
Presents surat pengantar RT/RW to [user](# the recipient institution along with other requirements and documents.
Keep surat pengantar RT/RW as a record or evidence of their transaction or application.
To use surat pengantar RT/RW effectively and efficiently, one can use these tips and advice:
Request surat pengantar RT/RW as soon as possible to avoid delays or complications.
Respect and cooperate with the neighborhood and community leaders who issue surat pengantar RT/RW.
Follow the instructions and guidelines given by the recipient institution on how to use surat pengantar RT/RW.
Keep surat pengantar RT/RW in a safe and secure place to prevent loss or damage.
Renew surat pengantar RT/RW if it expires or becomes invalid.
Common Mistakes in Surat Pengantar RT/RW
Some of the common mistakes in surat pengantar RT/RW are:
Using an outdated or incompatible template or sample.FormatNot checking or updating the source or website that provides the template or sample.The letter may be rejected or returned by the recipient institution.
Filling in the wrong or incomplete information or data.ContentNot verifying or reviewing the requirements and documents that are needed to fill out the letter.The letter may be invalid or inaccurate, and may cause confusion or misunderstanding.
Making spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization errors.LanguageNot proofreading or editing the letter before printing or copying it.The letter may be unprofessional or unclear, and may affect the credibility or impression of the bearer of the letter.
Forgetting or losing the signature or stamp of the neighborhood and community leaders.ClosingNot paying attention or being careless when handling the letter.The letter may be unauthorized or unverified, and may not be accepted by the recipient institution.
To avoid and correct these mistakes in surat pengantar RT/RW, one can use these tips and solutions:
Use a reliable and reputable source or website that provides updated and compatible templates or samples of surat pengantar RT/RW.
Fill in the correct and complete information or data that matches the requirements and documents that are provided.
Proofread and edit the letter for any spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization errors before printing or copying it.
Make sure that the signature and stamp of the neighborhood and community leaders are present and visible on the letter.
Examples of Surat Pengantar RT/RW
To illustrate how surat pengantar RT/RW looks like, here are some examples of surat pengantar RT/RW for different purposes, such as making KTP, SKCK, marriage certificate, etc.:
Example 1: Surat Pengantar RT/RW for Making KTP
KOP SURAT PENGANTAR RT/RW Nomor: 001/RT.01/2023 Lampiran: 2 lembar Perihal: Permohonan Pembuatan KTP Kepada Yth. Kepala Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Bandung di - Tempat Dengan hormat, Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama: Bapak Andi Setiawan Jabatan: Ketua Rukun Tetangga (RT) 01 Alamat: Jl. Cempaka No. 10, Kelurahan Cihapit, Kecamatan Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung Bersama ini menerangkan bahwa: Nama: Siti Rahayu NIK: 3204012302930001 Tempat/Tanggal Lahir: Bandung, 23 Februari 1993 Jenis Kelamin: Perempuan Agama: Islam Status Perkawinan: Belum Kawin Pekerjaan: Mahasiswa Alamat: Jl. Cempaka No. 10, Kelurahan Cihapit, Kecamatan Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung Adalah benar-benar warga kami yang berdomisili sesuai al amat yang tercantum dalam surat ini. Maksud dan tujuan dari surat pengantar ini adalah untuk mengajukan permohonan pembuatan kartu tanda penduduk (KTP) kepada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Bandung. Demikian surat pengantar ini kami buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan atas perhatian serta kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih. Bandung, 21 Juni 2023 Ketua RT 01 (tanda tangan dan stempel) Bapak Andi Setiawan
Example 2: Surat Pengantar RT/RW for Making SKCK
KOP SURAT PENGANTAR RT/RW Nomor: 002/RT.02/2023 Lampiran: 3 lembar Perihal: Permohonan Pembuatan SKCK Kepada Yth. Kepala Kepolisian Sektor Cibeunying Kidul Kota Bandung di - Tempat Dengan hormat, Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama: Ibu Rina Wijaya Jabatan: Ketua Rukun Warga (RW) 02 Alamat: Jl. Melati No. 20, Kelurahan Cikutra, Kecamatan Cibeunying Kidul, Kota Bandung Bersama ini menerangkan bahwa: Nama: Budi Prasetyo NIK: 3204021201910002 Tempat/Tanggal Lahir: Bandung, 12 Januari 1991 Jenis Kelamin: Laki-laki Agama: Kristen Status Perkawinan: Kawin Pekerjaan: Guru Alamat: Jl. Melati No. 20, Kelurahan Cikutra, Kecamatan Cibeunying Kidul, Kota Bandung Adalah benar-benar warga kami yang berdomisili sesuai alamat yang tercantum dalam surat ini. Maksud dan tujuan dari surat pengantar ini adalah untuk mengajukan permohonan pembuatan surat keterangan catatan kepolisian (SKCK) kepada Kepolisian Sektor Cibeunying Kidul Kota Bandung. Demikian surat pengantar ini kami buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan atas perhatian serta kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih. Bandung, 21 Juni 2023 Ketua RW 02 (tanda tangan dan stempel) Ibu Rina Wijaya
Example 3: Surat Pengantar RT/RW for Making Marriage Certificate
KOP SURAT PENGANTAR RT/RW Nomor: 003/RT.03/2023 Lampiran: 4 lembar Perihal: Permohonan Pembuatan Akta Perkawinan Kepada Yth. Kepala Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Cidadap Kota Bandung di - Tempat Dengan hormat, Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama: Bapak Agus Suryadi Jabatan: Ketua Rukun Tetangga (RT) 03 Alamat: Jl. Mawar No. 30, Kelurahan Hegarmanah, Kecamatan Cidadap, Kota Bandung Bersama ini menerangkan bahwa: Nama: Dian Puspita NIK: 3204030502950003 Tempat/Tanggal Lahir: Bandung, 5 Februari 1995 Jenis Kelamin: Perempuan Agama: Islam Status Perkawinan: Belum Kawin Pekerjaan: Karyawan Swasta Alamat: Jl. Mawar No. 30, Kelurahan Hegarmanah, Kecamatan Cidadap, Kota Bandung Adalah benar-benar warga kami yang berdomisili sesuai alamat yang tercantum dalam surat ini. Maksud dan tujuan dari surat pengantar ini adalah untuk mengajukan permohonan pembuatan akta perkawinan kepada Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Cidadap Kota Bandung. Demikian surat pengantar ini kami buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan atas perhatian serta kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih. Bandung, 21 Juni 2023 Ketua RT 03 (tanda tangan dan stempel) Bap ak Agus Suryadi
Surat pengantar RT/RW is a letter of introduction issued by the neighborhood and community leaders in Indonesia. This letter is used for various purposes, such as applying for identity documents, moving to a new address, getting married, and so on. However, some of these purposes no longer require this letter, as the government has simplified the administrative procedures for the public.
In this article, we have explained to you what surat pengantar RT/RW is, why it is important, how to download, fill out, and use it, and what are some common mistakes to avoid when writing it. We have also provided you with some examples of surat pengantar RT/RW for different situations. We hope you have found this article helpful and informative.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about surat pengantar RT/RW:
Q: How long does it take to get surat pengantar RT/RW?
A: The time it takes to get surat pengantar RT/RW depends on the availability and cooperation of the neighborhood and community leaders who issue the letter. Usually, it takes about one or two days to get surat pengantar RT/RW after submitting the requirements and documents.
Q: How much does it cost to get surat pengantar RT/RW?
A: The cost of getting surat pengantar RT/RW varies depending on the neighborhood and community where one lives. Some may charge a nominal fee or donation for issuing the letter, while others may provide it for free. However, the cost should not be too expensive or unreasonable.
Q: How long is surat pengantar RT/RW valid?
A: The validity of surat pengantar RT/RW depends on the purpose and occasion where it is used. Some may have a specific validity period, such as six months or one year, while others may not have a fixed expiration date. However, one should always check the validity of surat pengantar RT/RW before using it.
Q: What if I lose or damage my surat pengantar RT/RW?
A: If one loses or damages their surat pengantar RT/RW, they should report it to their neighborhood and community leaders as soon as possible. They should also request a replacement or a duplicate of their surat pengantar RT/RW by providing their proof of identity and residence.
Q: What if I move to a different neighborhood or community?
A: If one moves to a different neighborhood or community, they should notify their previous and current neighborhood and community leaders about their change of domicile. They should also obtain a new surat pengantar RT/RW from their current neighborhood and community leaders by submitting their proof of identity and residence. 44f88ac181