and a documentary Kiss the Ground. 55GwennFebruary 8 2021Great movie!I really enjoyed watching it.I think it's doing a good job showing that carbs, not fat, are the problem in the obesity/diabetes crisis.Personnaly, I find that Adele Hite's critic of the movie is not very fair: too harsh and too unbalanced, being overfocused on details in the movie and leaving aside the main goal "fat is good for you!"56RossJuly 14 2021I haven't read all the comments on here, so this might have already been shared, but anyone thinking of watching this documentary ought to watch this too: -saturated-fat-studies-set-up-to-...57George SmithOctober 26 2021Am I missing something, or what? A statement was made in the movie that vegetables have no essential nutrients. Is this true?Leave a replyReply to comment #0 by Comment
It comforts me to know I can lean on some basic tenets when puzzling over a horse health care scenario. About five years ago my off-track Thoroughbred, Happy, developed a few strange behaviors. He was suddenly spooky in the crossties, for instance, and agitated and bossy at the stall door.
Puzzling Over Nutrients Answer Key